Official NOAA space weather video explaining upcoming solar storm impacts

"CME IMPACT--NOW: NASA's ACE spacecraft, which measures the speed of the solar wind just upstream of Earth, indicates that a CME impact on our planet is in progress. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras in the hours ahead. Aurora alerts: text, voice.

UPDATE from Analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab report a strong compression of Earth's magnetosphere in response to the CME impact. "Simulations indicate that the magnetopause separating magnetospheric and solar wind plasma is close to the geosynchronous orbit starting at about 19:20 UT on August 5th. Spacecraft [in these] orbits may be directly exposed to solar wind plasma and magnetic field.""

After a long minimum of little-to-no activity, sunspots are back, and with them come the coronal mass ejections and solar storms affecting earth. (geo-effective). There are several classifications of sizes of these ejections from the sun. C, M, and X are respectively small, medium and large. Over the last few days, as the sunspot has turned to a position where any ejections would affect earth, three CME's have been sprung, one of which was a hairs-breadth away from a X-class. Once the strong M's and the X-class flares/ejections start to reach earth, we feel their effects. wrote yesterday, "On August 4th, active sunspot 1261 unleashed a strong solar flare, the third in as many days. The blast, which registered M9.3 on the Richter Scale of Flares, hurled a bright coronal mass ejection (CME) almost directly toward Earth. Click on the image to view a movie of the expanding cloud recorded by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO).

And they wrote again this morning-
"As predicted by analysts at the GSFC Space Weather Lab, the first of three CMEs produced by the recent spate of flare activity reached Earth during the late hours of August 4th. The impact was weak and is not expected to produce strong geomagnetic storms. Two more CMEs are still on the way and, as described below, they may have merged into a single cloud that could produce significant storming when they reach Earth on August 5th at 10:00 UT (plus or minus 7 hours). A new model of all 3 CMEs is now available; stay tuned for updates."

The National Atmospheric and Oceanographic Administration (NOAA) put out an explanatory video this morning to explain the impacts. In it the NOAA physicist said that the average person will not feel the effects from the three ejections hurling toward earth, but the systems we depend on will be impacted. For example, the power grid will certainly see fluctuations in the transmission part of the grid but the power operators will handle them so they never hit your home. Airlines have already seen some communications outages, as a result of these eruptions..." Click on the video to see more.

I saw yesterday that Texas' brutal heat ave is causing power operators to call for an energy emergency. Normally, a strong M-class or even an X-class flare may not damage the power and communication systems here on earth, but the fact is, the power and communication systems have been under sustained attack for a long time. These attacks are either due to heat, cyberattack, or aging infrastructure and the old fashioned attacks of rust, cracks, and leakage.

It is a certainty that at some point in the coming Tribulation when the anomalies from the sun, moon, and stars that are predicted to happen,(Luke 21:25; Rev 16:9) will negatively affect us here on earth. Whether we are beginning to see those impacts is for God to know. But I found it interesting that NOAA put out a video to explain to us what will happen. (Which is think is good and responsible.) Here is the video:

NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center issues watch for geomagnetic storms; potential impacts to begin tonight, Aug 4. video by NOAA - directed and produced by NOAA's Katy Human and Will von Dauster.


  1. I live outside Houston and noticed the lights in our house flickering the past few days. I woke up this morning to hear electricity is being rationed because the power grid is so overworked. So it's very interesting to read about this. It's something we might have to get used to for now. I thank you Lord because you are n control and whatever happens we know you are our always our provider...even now He's still doing miracles in my life and in my family despite us looking around and seeing this world as we know it fall apart around us. That's the kind of God we serve...a loving God that is always worthy of ALL praise and glory...I woke up with such joy this morning so I just had to let that out!!!

  2. Hi from Ukraine. Here we live with brownouts all the time. Brownouts and sudden surges. The surges have actually broken lightbulbs, and they do terrible things to the fridge and any other appliances plugged in at the time. Not a pleasant thing to have happen. When we first arrived here 12+ years ago, there were rolling blackouts every day, 5 times a day, across the city on a regular schedule. You adjust your life and just live with it, have lots of candles on hand and live without tv, radio and internet available all the time. Kind of like how my grandparents lived, and when I think about it, kind of like how most of the people in history have lived - no electricity at all! Blackouts are going to happen more frequently now in the United States, too, I'm sure.

    Elizabeth, don't know if you know it yet, but an earthquake swarm is going on near Crater Lake, Oregon. I wonder if that volcano is 'warming up', too?!?

  3. I don't think it's likely that a loss in communication abilities would precede the Tribulation, considering the references to everyone being able to see the Two Witnesses dead and Jesus' Return (implying satellite tv coverage).

    However, since we're not there yet (this is key), anything can happen in the meantime. I'm more concerned about a SCUD-EMP attack from Iran via Venezuela than about a solar storm.

    And I find it likely that Mystery Babylon is the literal rebuilt Babylon. That would put the end at least 50 years from now, which means we shouldn't be counting on a rapture to save us. This is important to realize. We wouldn't want people to, like prosperity-gospel believers, expect to escape all judgment in the future, and then lose their faith when they see that they have been sorely afflicted. Think about it. There's no guarantee that the next big thing will be preceded by the Rapture. America can be destroyed long before it. I just don't want anyone to lose their faith over wondering why this happened and they weren't taken.

    You know? :)

  4. Hi EriK,

    I agree that there is no big thing that has to precede the rapture. It could happen at any time. Because the nature of the rapture IS to rescue us from the coming wrath as stated in 1 Thess 1:10, I AM counting on it.

    The Tribulation will be a time when many lose their faith. The Tribulation is a period that resumes that suspended last years of the Age of Law and thus, the Holy Spirit reverts back to coming upon a believer instead of dwelling within a believer. The church age believers are the only ones blessed with once saved always saved. That is why there are so many verses that describe the Tribulation as a time when the saints should not lose their faith and to persevere.

    Unbelievers *are* judged in the future, but they always expect to escape it, Believers coming to faith after the rapture will understand they are in a time of judgment... Believers who are saved now will escape judgment, so I'm not sure of what you mean about the prosperity gospel folks.

    I am not understanding your timeline that Babylon will take 50 years to rebuild...It is partially rebuilt already and I wrote two articles recently showing that investors are flocking to Iraq despite the remaining violence. Then again it may indeed take 50 years to rebuild but the rapture is not contingent on the construction's completion, but on the number of believers Jesus has in mind to fill his church (Romans 1:25, Acts 15:15-17).

    Yes, the rapture could happen 50 years in the future, but I happen to believe it is a lot closer than that.


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